Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DIY: Serving Tray

It has become kind of a joke that I like to pick things up off the side of the road. I slow down anytime I see something interesting being thrown away and often, stop to pick whatever it is up and bring it home with me. Well, a few months ago a house down the road was re-doing all of their windows and left the old panes to be thrown away. Spotting those gems was such a wonderful moment. I was riding with a few friends and enlisted both of them to carry over as many as I could fit into my trunk.

I decided to use one of them to make a cute little serving tray. Here's what I did, incase you want to make one too!

1. I cleaned up the old windowpane and sanded it a little to get the loose paint off.

2. Then I found some cute knobs at a local trinket shop and used a drill to help me fasten those baby’s into place.

3. I decided I wanted some kind of an image on my tray, so I drew the outline of a city in India I lived in for one summer a few years back. The city actually prides itself off of their grid-like street system. Very unlike India to be so organized, that’s for sure.

4. Finally, make sure to find your little tray a home. Mine sits in the entryway of our apartment.

So next time your out driving around town, slow down and check out what the neighbors are throwing away.



  1. MEGGIE! Keep posting so people like me can follow your creative footsteps (and buy your crafts off etsy : ) - Lu (not Lou)


    the same thing! did you get your inspiration from DS?
